Travel and Cultural Links, see also Tibet Links Europe Mediaeval garments Marc Carlson
Travelers/Trekkers clothes to take, Erlewine's experience Himalayan trekking MyHimalayas, Carsten Nebel (2000) text and photos. India Democracy in India at least as early as 350 BCE Exotic India prices for comparison Harrapa Indus Valley civilization, its language and culture Indian Railways, New Delhi main office Lonely Planet India travel info Sari How to wear one, history, Chantale Boulanger "Taj Mahal" was TejoMahalaya (text of the paper by P. N. Oak)
Japan Search the Kyoto Museum database. Mongolia virtual Mongol cultural (Japanese-English) Khalkha Jetsun Dampa Rinpoche Taranatha's Jonang lineage Nepal Trekking in Nepal dangers, etc. Muktinath.Org preserving a great Hindu - Buddhist pilgrimage site Nepal Asian Studies Australian WWW virtual library Sri Lanka Vietnam Customs and Culture of Vietnam Ann Caddell Crawford.